Friday, September 11, 2009

no place like home

After a bout of homesickness this past week I have come up with some things that I really miss from life before I came to France.

Cooking with my roommates. This would usually happen on Sunday after my roommate had invited people over and we would frantically try and come up with a meal. it always turned out though.

Running by the Potomac. There are plenty of places to run here but there is something about running towards DC at sunset. absolutely gorgeous.

Costco hot dog runs with co-workers. 'nuff said.

Lazy Saturdays spent watching cheesy made-for-TV movies on ABC family.

Going to parties. this may seem ironic to some, usually I would go kicking and screaming. I've never felt like I was any good at negotiating large groups of people and DC definitely challenged me.

Coming home from work on Fridays knowing that for the next two days I wasn't required to do anything.

Visiting my brother and sister-in-law in New York. It's great that I can still visit family here but some days I think I miss New York just as much as I miss DC.

The Arlington Public Library. Books and dvds in English that I could keep for almost as long as I wanted.

Kebab Palace. The place is ghetto but the food is oh so yummy.

Standing around in the kitchen with my roommates talking about anything and everything from boys to work to how we were someday going to open a restaurant together.

It's possible that after writing this I am even more homesick and here I was hoping it would help. Maybe next time I will write about what I will miss when I go back to the states.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear. You'll get over it... Next you need to write a list of things you'll miss about France if say, you were leaving tmr. And things you want to do before you leave?

    Yeah for Costco hotdogs! I go by myself now, but we've graduated to getting boba drinks. We'll take you when you come back (wink, wink). P.s. you can rent a bunch of stuff online from arlington library, it's fantastic! books on tape, videos etc. xx
