Thursday, April 29, 2010

to those with questions...

...answers will be provided. I have received quite a few inquires the last couple of days in regards to any exciting news that I might have. I will admit, I have been remiss in keeping people up to date on certain aspects of my life. Allow me now to rectify that by telling you all that I am officially engaged!

Many of you may be shocked or even amazed at this news. Not many people even knew that I was dating someone so I will start at the beginning. His name is Mark and we dated in high school and were friends for years afterward. After his mission he started going to school in Oregon while I jumped around from Arizona to D.C. and then to France. I think all those years we both wondered, at least once, what would happen if we were ever in the same state longer than a weekend. When I came home from France in January we started spending time together both very aware that I was going to be leaving Salem for New York in March. I went into the situation with an open mind while Mark know he only had about 8 weeks to woo me. I was wooed.

Just before I left for New York we decided we wanted to get married. There were a few details to iron out but last week we decided to get married on July 1st in the Portland Oregon Temple. We will then both move into a yet to be rented apartment in New York where Mark will finish his degree and become an air traffic controller and a pilot while I work and possibly go to school (I still haven't heard back from Columbia). We are both so excited to be married and share life's adventures.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

the sky is falling

I have recently realized that I have the unfailing ability to stress out and worry about things that, in the long run, don't really matter. Here, for your reading pleasure, are some of those things:

1. The need to have cash on hand for when Mark comes to visit and we go for breakfast at a cash only place.
2. Remembering to ask Juliana if I can borrow some of her summery clothes as mine are still in Salem and its suppose to be in the 70's this weekend.
3. My laundry needs to be washed.
4. I still don't have a job.
5. I submitted my application to Columbia and I keep thinking "What if they just don't like me?"
6. Realizing I really do suck at video games and there is nothing I can do about it.

While these worries tend to come and go most of them can be taken care of quickly and easily and the sooner I start taking care of them the sooner I can sleep at night.