Have you ever noticed how things seem to slow down the month of August? I was walking the dogs the other day and I noticed that the need to walk fast and get the task over with was gone. There was no push to hurry and return to the house to move on to the next item on my list. I thought it was because I'd just returned to a small sleepy village after spending a week in busy London but the more I thought about it the more I realized that many of the Augusts of my memory play the same way.
Everything seems to slow down even though many are burdened with the preparations of returning to school, we all want to stop and savor the last few moments before it all begins again. The excitement and even fear for some of starting a new school year is overshadowed by the simple need to relax one more hour or finish that last novel before the rush of academic reading.
Even for those not returning to school there is a seemingly unexplainable need to pause and enjoy. I remember the first fall after I graduated from University. The flurry of preparation was missing but the need to enjoy the freedom was still there. Perhaps it's biological, knowing that in a few short months the sun and warm weather will be almost a figment of our imagination. A need to bottle it all up if only to be able to return to the peaceful memories in five months time. Maybe it is the ridiculous hot weather that causes us to slow down. Knowing that the slower we move the less we may sweat. Could it be that simple?
You ought to be on campus with us. Plenty of sweat and hurrying.