For as long as I can remember I've always had this thing about elevators. They freak me out. I can remember going to visit my mom in the hospital after she had my brother and being so scared of the huge hospital elevators. I have always been afraid of one day, stepping on to an elevator only to have it stop mid trip resulting in me becoming stuck for hours on end.
Yesterday something like that happened to a friend of mine. He got on the elevator for what should have been barely a minute and then 45 minutes later he finally emerged annoyed and hungry. He told me about it over gchat right after it happened. I laughed of course, who wouldn't, but then last night as I slept my subconscious took over. All night I dreamed about being stuck in an elevator, going up and down, up and down, not being able to get out. It was horrible. It's not that I'm claustrophobic...well, maybe a little, but I think it's knowing that after pressing that button, you no longer have any control over what the elevator does. That's what scares me.
ha ha ha. ... still laughing about mike. hilarious.