Monday, June 10, 2013

I really love Pinterest but...(part 1)

So I had a really long post about all the things that drive me crazy about Pinterest but I've decided to break it up into a few smaller posts. Here we start with part 1.

I really enjoy Pinterest. Ask my husband. I’m especially hooked on the food/recipe pins. I think food pins represent 85% of my personal pins.

I have noticed a few things about Pinterest though, things that really bug me. Before I get into those I should remind you, my readers, that everything I saw in this post represents my own opinions. If you're offended you can read a different blog, I don't care.
My heart aches...try this instead.
My number one personal vexation, Pillsbury. Every time I see recipe using a Pillsbury product a little part of me dies. Some day when no one but a select few know how to make donuts or crescent rolls from scratch we can all blame Pillsbury. My hope is that the general population will realize before that that just because something is “quick” and “easy” doesn’t give you the go ahead to sacrifice flavor and the joy of making something. Along this same vein it is not ok to roll whatever you want up in a crescent roll.  Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Chicken salad belongs between two slices of good quality bread, not rolled up and baked in who knows what. Making bread or dough isn’t rocket science. It is incredibly fulfilling and there is nothing more satisfying that pulling out a freshly baked loaf of bread and enjoying the first slice slathered in butter.

Stay tuned, next we look at the evil crafting side of Pinterest and people who don't actually know how to use Pinterest...

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