Thursday, June 27, 2013

This one's all about food.

When people come to visit us we have a somewhat predetermined way to show them around. We sight see based on where we can eat. It was like this is New York too. We come up with super yummy places we want our guests to try and then we figure out what’s close by that would be interesting to see. For instance, in New York we would always want to take people to Shake Shack. If they had never before been to New York we would first go and spend a couple hours in the morning at the Natural History Museum and then head across the street to Shake Shack. Of course the museum step would be skipped had they previously been. There was always a standard list of places we would want to take people, Tom’s for breakfast, Absolute for bagels, Junior’s for dinner and cheesecake.

So far things here are shaping up to be the same. We plan visits around where we want to take people to eat. Personally I think it is a great way to experience a new city. For many places the food really defines the culture and the people. In Honolulu that is definitely the case. The food you get here is unique to Hawaii and it’s hard to find the same food on the mainland.  Lau Lau and kalua pork at Yama’s, pan-fried pork chops at Side Street, kim chee fried rice at Home Bar, plate lunches at Rainbow Drive-In. Oh and shave ice at Dis n Dat. 

Basically anyone planning on visiting us can expect to experience Hawaii through food. With a little beach time thrown in for good measure.

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